Quartered Artichokes 425 ml Easy Open Tin 110,000 Cans View larger

Quartered Artichokes 425 ml Easy Open Tin 110.000 Cans


New product

1.- Quantity: 110.000 cans, a total of 9.166 12/425 ml trays.

2.- Deliveries: 2020 May to 2021 April.

3.- Date limit reception offers: April 30, 2020.

4.- Buyer: Supermarket chain.

5.- Label: Buyer's brand.

6.- Packaging: Anonymous tray with 12 cans with DUN-14 stuck on the tray.

7.- Payment method:

8.- Buyer's charges:

9.- Reference charges:

10.- Merchandise deliveries:

The indicated quantities do not have to be the total demand for the brand, and may be higher. In the questionnaire to make your offer you can indicate if you want to bid for the total, as well as any other question related to this demand. A commercial will contact you

Customer Demand

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Data sheet

ContainerEasy Open Tin
Format ml425 ml
Net Weight390 g
Popular Description of the Format1/2 Kg
Drained Weight240 g
Label/BrandBuyer Label/Your Brand
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Original price: 0.00 €


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